Tuesday, May 15, 2007


ok. i dont know if you are like me, but this stupid "way of the master" thing is making me crazy. my friend matt the other day said some lady approached him and just started rattling off questions. didnt ask his name, didnt say anything about caring for him, nothing of that, just started into questions about his eternity. and the thing that makes me crazy about this whole deal? we are lumped into a category with those jokers.

so i started thinking about what all that means. for me, it means i have to begin to really think through things before i say them, because when i say them, that also says something about my wife, it says something about my church, it says something about each person within the church, it says something, most importantly, about the god that we profess to worship. fair? i dont really know, but fact? no doubt.

so, as im thinking through that, i also come to the realization, that although we should be very careful in remembering that we represent eachother, we also have to love with some recklessness those that are outside. so much so, that sometimes our name must be dragged through the mud a little bit. jesus was, after all, a friend of prostitutes and tax collectors. not great company. so it would seem that we are trying to practice the dialectic, as the great dr. roark would remind us. so, i guess for us to discuss, how do we keep each other's reputations clean, while at the same time loving those that would make us seem very unclean? what difficulties do you think this presents? how do we overcome those? essentially, where do we go from here?

and, if you need prayer, please say so. we need to be supporting and lifting eachother up even now, from what seems a large distance of time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think a lot about representation and the church and how i am representing my christian family. very recently i experienced a way in which i KNOW it should not be done. i made a comment about an issue that i believe is a big problem in the church and in the lives of christians in their relationships with others. well to make a long story short, the conversation quickly escalated to a heated argument that lasted for a long time. many tears were shed on both sides and i know feelings were hurt. i was also humiliated.
however, by the end we had both apologized for shouting and upsetting one another.

after this episode, i quickly realized something--heated arguments, shouting, yelling, fighting, etc.--all are not ways to get a point across or represent who i am. i think that, just like war, there is a better way. i had been a terrible representative of who i am, a follower of jesus. i was quickly reminded of the verses in 2 tim ch. 2. it's just "useless fighting over words".

to end on a happy note, i got to talk to one of my friends from senegal. my spirit is lifted.

ok, there's my two cents.