Saturday, December 8, 2007

What are we for anyway?

I posted some of these thoughts on my personal blog, but I think it is really something we should probably toss around. Right now on facebook, there are quite a few groups for or against a boycott of the movie "The Golden Compass." Now, I just couldn't contain myself and had to get on one of the boycott groups and ask them why they were wasting so much energy on a movie, and I have to ask you guys, why are Christians most known for what they boycott today?

Probably if you went up to the average guy on the street and asked him what Christians were all about, he would probably say something like "Well, I know they don't like the gay community, and I know they are against abortion, and I know that they don't like Harry Potter," and it could go on. I think it is a great shame that we are probably most known for what we are against, be it evolution, the big bang, abortion, homosexuality (and I know we need to talk about that, it will probably be a round-table discussion when we are all at Denver, much better to talk about in person).

Jesus told the disciples that they would be known by their love, kinda seems more like we should be known for that huh? So it will take us some work, to establish that we should not be known for what we are against, but what we are for, which should be humanity, the disenfranchised, those who cannot help themselves, those who are outcast and lonely. So the question now is, what do you think we should be known for? Love doesn't count, thats a gimme. My answer would be reconciliation. I think we are called to help reconcile people to God, and to be reconciled to each other. I think that brings healing and helps make the world a better place. What about you? What do you think we should devote energy to making ourselves known for?

The proverb of the week "Many proclaim themselves loyal, but who can find one worthy of trust?" Proverbs 20:6


Tanner said...

Shane Claibornre once said, "once the rich come in contact with the poor poverty will end." I really like this quote because it is so true. I want to see an end to poverty. We should be a church known for taking care of the least of these(matthew 25). Thats just one thing.

Anonymous said...

i don't know how to correctly phrase this, but christians should be known for being the "opposite of angry." it seems like anger is becoming an epidemic in our culture, and i can't tell you how many times i have seen christians react with impatience and anger in situations that were blown out of proportion. i think we should be known for a gentle and kind spirit and for shocking people with our calm reaction to things beyond our control. i would also love it if we could not take ourselves so seriously and learn to laugh at ourselves.

Chris said...

I agree with both of you guys. Tanner, you would be glad to know I picked up "The Irresistible Revolution" and am liking it a lot. And Erin, that is convicting to me, because I drive angry a lot. I know thats not exactly what you are getting at, but I also know I should just pass those people instead of cursing them as I pass... but seriously. You are right, we should not be known for being so mad about movies and stuff all the time. Good thoughts guys.

Anonymous said...

if you read Unchristian - this is especially true - Christians are known as antihomosexual, too political, judgmental, and hypocritical. Those were the top choices non believers gave when asked to describe Christians.