Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter eve

The thing that really excites me about Easter this year, is that the next time I celebrate Easter, I will probably be living in Denver. We will hopefully either be in or looking for a house. I will be done with my master's degree. But I don't want to overlook this Easter. Easter is by far our most important holiday. This is the time we remember not only the crucifixion, but the resurrection which makes the crucifixion our hope.

I am near the end of my last semester of class, and as I have told you before, I will be doing what is called "mentoring" over the summer. Part of what I will be doing is some stuff for Denver. I will be working on our basic polity, our "training plan," our tentative plans for many different things. I am going to need you guys help though. I am supposed to have a "lay committee" during mentoring. They are supposed to help me figure out if I suck as a minister or not. My mentoring is already a lot different than everyone else's, but I still need something similar to a lay committee. Here is where you guys can help. I need email addresses, I need you to check this blog, and actually comment, and I need feedback. This will not only help my mentoring (and me to finally graduate) I think it will help our church. If you are not 100% on coming to Denver, that is fine. Any of you who check this blog mean a lot to me anyway, so your input will be valuable. This way, I can email you updates, bylaws, etc. and you can help me make them better. It won't be a lot of work, if any, just some reading. So, if you want to be part of that, either leave your email here, or send it to me, my email is here on this site. Seriously, it will help a lot.

As far as other stuff goes. The plan right now is to get together, at Bethany and Erin's, either April 26 or May 3. If both work for everyone, I would prefer the May date. If someone cannot make the May date, the April will work for us too. Bethany has said she has been praying that God would guide her as to when to move. We also need prayer for that. I think asking God to provide financially for the move would be a big help too, since moving is not cheap. Tanner and Jessica have a wedding coming up, so they could probably use some prayer. Grant is working about 10 jobs right now, and Desiree is about to start graduate work. What about the rest of you clowns? You have prayer requests? I really, really get more excited every day. I am praying that God will provide and guide each of you, by name, unless I don't know you. If there is anything I am missing or forgetting, let me know.


Anonymous said...

I think you may already have my email address, but here it is anyway... I'll try to help with anything you need! I'm really excited about having all of you over!

Anonymous said...

another thing you guys can be praying for me about is what to do about job stuff....

my goal is to at some point get my teacher certification through an alternative program - the question just is when? Do I try and squeeze it in before I leave for Denver and then just do whatever I have to to get my Texas license transferred to a Colorado license? Ooooor, do I keep the job I have now and wait until we get to Denver and go through a program then? There are pros and cons to both sides and so I'm really doing alot of praying and thinking on this and any extra prayers would help. Thanks!!

btw... tonight I broke free of what I think was my last major obstacle to completely trusting God to lead me in His will in all of this... I feel great and I'm ready to rock - God's doing wonderful things to prepare me and I just can't wait to see what else He has coming...

Chris said...

Thanks Bethany, I had the email, but it helps to get them all in one place. I will personally call the rest of you and get your email addresses if you don't put them on here, so you might as well volunteer them.
Robin and I are definitely praying for that for you. It always feels good to feel a little reckless abandon to doing what God wants huh? I am trying to figure out what I can do for another job, at the moment. An Mdiv isn't always useful...

Grant said...

i will not be available the april date. is my address, and i have narrowed down to one job, however, i have several new options in the works... looking forward to seeing everyone.

Brandon Ireton said...

Ok my email address is I am unavailable for both dates thanks to track. I read the post just failed to read the part about putting email addresses down. I could use some prayers to keep my priorities in order, school and traveling with track is making it hard to focus on the more important things.

Anonymous said...

what happened to the proverbs?