Friday, March 14, 2008

Sorry for the long delay between posts, it has been a pretty crazy couple of weeks. We are on Spring Break this week, so of course I have crammed a ton of stuff to do into one week. We took time to change the youth room I inherited. It was institutional white, now it is cooler. Hopefully.

I appreciate the thoughts on the last post, it is not easy to think of your own crucifixion.

For those of you who made it to the little get-together a few weeks ago, what a great time. For those that couldn't make it, we missed you, but we want to do it again either in late April or early May. Any dates work best for anyone? Some of the things we talked about were just that we were all a bit scared by this whole thing, but the good thing was that we will all be in it together. We talked about frustration with churches we are in, and things we really enjoy about them. Overall, I would say it was really positive to get together like that.

So, when would everyone like to try it again, where would everyone like to meet, and does anyone have any concerns? Keep praying for each other, keep seeking God for guidance and courage. I am excited about our future and look forward to working on the kingdom together.


Anonymous said...

oh spring break... i miss it..

i'm ready for more time together, our house is always open for visitors and i think that erin and i are open any weekend in april except the 12th

Chris said...

how about either April 26, or May 3? Is either of those dates good or bad for anyone?

Tanner said...

I could probably go with either of the dates mentioned by chris. My house is open the only thing is that it is in decatur. I also need to discuss the dates with Jess. How can we be praying for everyone?

Anonymous said...

i'm pretty sure either date is good for us..

something i've started praying about for myself is the Lord's timing on when to move. I realized the other day that I'm ready to go at any time, but that doesn't mean that I should go at any time. So I'm really seeking God's timing.

Chris said...

Yeah, we are also praying about that. We are working with the youth at a church, and Robin would like to have been at her job a year before we move (which is October) but we also want to be sure to move before the snowy season begins. So for us, just that God would 1. provide financially for a move and all that entails, and 2. guide us to know when is best. Of course, if I was offered a pretty good job earlier, we would probably think about it. What about you guys? Can we go ahead and just go with May 3 then? My semester will have finished, unless that is a bad day for Jessica.