Wednesday, October 17, 2007


great thoughts guys. when i think about the things we will go through as a community, as a team, there are a lot of things that go through my mind. i think about what will be our first baptism, our first eucharist, our first marriage, our first funeral. there are exciting times ahead, i think we have this wonderful chance to start from the ground up, to learn from other churches victories and failures, and to make, not a perfect church, but maybe a perfectible one.
i think about the stresses that will push on us, and this makes me think of marriage. in marriage, and i know you are all aware of this, you choose a person, that person chooses you, and you go. you set off for a new life, a new adventure. worries press in, money gets tight, decisions must be made. sometimes one spouse sacrifices so the other can do what God has called them to do, but the point is that the first priority for each is the other. each wins some, each loses some. but each, in the end, has gained the other.
i think this reflects on the way we should do church. there are a lot of things that we will have to decide on. what color will we make the walls, what time will we meet on sundays, or saturdays, or whenever. how will we elect leaders, will we elect leaders. the thing i think we have to keep on the very front of our minds at all times, is that we should first commit to people, jesus and eachother. there is no other way for us to make it. if we come into this with the idea that we must meet at 6pm every saturday, and we must have children do bible drill, and youth must go to super summer, etc, then all is lost. these things are subordinate. i want each of us to be aware of that before we head in, when times get tough, when we are broke and when we don't know where we will meet next week, we have got to decide first and foremost that we will be loyal, that we will care about eachother.
this does not eliminate criticism, or accountability, but those things should always be done out of love, in the interest of the other. we should refuse to talk behind eachother's backs, we should encourage, we should build up, we should choose eachother. it is my prayer that this is the type of community we can build, what do you think?

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