Sunday, October 7, 2007


The great difficulty with moving to a strange city and starting a church there will be that most of us will be moving without jobs. We may not know where our next meal will come from. I think that is legitimate concern. This is why I think it is important to seriously evaluate whether you are called to do this. It will not be easy, at least not at first. But I think, to steal a line from Caedmon's Call, "had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view." Things that are worth doing are not always going to be easy.
I don't want this to sound trite, but I do believe that where God calls us, he provides. If you feel a little, or a lot, discontent with your present situation, then it may be that God wants more for you. I think we have an opportunity to go to a place where there are very few that follow Jesus, and an opportunity to create a community that can help others find the God that loves them.
You may feel called to be a part of this, God will provide. Robin and I really felt like God wanted us to move to Waco to finish school and God provided her with a great job. Not immediately, but eventually. I think when things get tough we have to remember that God doesn't necessarily provide in excess, or before we need it, but we should remember the birds of the air and the grass of the field. He provides for them right on time. So you may be struggling with indecision or difficulty as to embarking on this adventure with all of us, please pray and evaluate what your life would be like with or without this little experiment we are going to be doing. And remember that God knows before we do what we need and how much we need.


Anonymous said...

good words, pastor brotha

i've actually about this very thing before and honestly, it does scare me some, okay, it scares me alot. but I also have to remember that in every other situation in my life whether "well off" financially or not or jobless or not, God has always provided my needs and at just the right time as well. i don't have anything to worry about. and i know that He has called me to this, so whatever the circumstances, however long i may go unemployed or under-employed, i'm all in.

Chris said...

bethany, you have no idea how happy that makes me, and i know i can say the same for robin.

this is a quote from Henri Nouwen "Each little step toward the center seemed like an impossible demand, a demand requiring me to let go one more time from wanting to be in control, to give up one more time the desire to predict life, to die one more time to the fear of no knowing where it will all lead, and to surrender one more time to a love that knows no limits." from The Return of the Prodigal Son. I thought of our project when i read this last night, think it may help us all some.

Anonymous said...

God is so amazing. He shows up in every situation even when we do not see Him work. I also think that us being a church is about taken care of others even the others that do not believe in God. I am excited about getting to be in each others lives and be able to help each other in everyway. Whether it being able to help relieve debt. That is something i think american christianity does not get. We are the body of Christ, we are to be Christ and love others and help the least of these. Even thogh the finacial issue is a big obstacle it will be overcome. God is faithful he will praovide the things we need. I am excited about being able to see that. I am sorry if i rambled.