Friday, May 30, 2008

Texts Under Negotiation

I have been reading a book called "Texts Under Negotiation" by Walter Brueggemann, and his name will be on the spelling exam later. It was pretty good. It was short, so that was a bonus, but he basically was talking about how in our postmodern world, we do not have to try to cram every scripture into one theology. He thinks we should let them all speak for themselves, on equal weight and equal footing. Part of his reason for this is that he is an Old Testament guy, and the OT often gets relegated to secondary for Christians.

However, I do have a few problems. It seems like while we should let each scripture speak, we also have to be logical. Something cannot be a square circle, as I like to tell my youth from time to time. This is the tightrope I think we are all going to have to walk. In our postmodern, pluralistic world, everyone will like to say that "all truth is equal" or "that is true for you but not for me" and that is just not always right. Perception goes a long way to determining reality, but not all the way. Just because we cannot find objective truth, does not mean it does not exist. I am not sure how we can go about reconciling all of this, maybe that is just something we will have to trust the Holy Spirit to do. What do you guys think?

We are set for Denver trip, I am contemplating getting a handheld video game to pass some of the time, I would recommend we think of things to do in our long ride... Pray for me I am preaching at our church this Sunday and next, and I am really excited and really not wanting to do it. (A common feeling when I go to preach). Does anyone have prayer needs? I look forward to our journey together and I know that this is of God, because when people ask me to explain it its kind of hard, but I know its right. Nice run-on sentence too.
Proverb of the week: "A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich." Proverbs 10.4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I know that this is of God, because when people ask me to explain it its kind of hard, but I know its right"

that is a great way to put it chris... thats exactly what i have found to be true, i started feeling like i have to justify it to people, that i'm not crazy for picking up and moving to a new place without the certainty of a place to live or work and try and start a church? but i finally came to the point where i had to move past that because I know that it is from God and thats all i need to know

I feel like we will have alot of reconciling to do in Christ's name in Denver. And honestly that kinda scares me because i am NOT always a good testimony to His name, but i just keep praying that He will change my heart and each of our hearts so that there will be no more of us left, that it will be only Him and that He will be gracious and use our broken vessels to bring Him to Denverites... its a big task at hand, but I'm learning to trust Him more everyday... it's a journey...

I am super excited about our upcoming trip! I can bring my laptop if we want, I don't know how long the battery will last on its own, but i can still bring it. Chris, you'll do fine this sunday... you always do. I look forward to hearing you preach again.

In our life group at church, we are reading through blue like jazz together and discussing it and the last chapter we read was about church and he said something that i thought was perfect for us...

"He said he was talking about loving people just because they exist - homeless people and Gothic people and gays and fruit nuts. And then I liked the sound of it. I liked the idea of loving people just to love them, not to get them to come to church. If the subject of church came up, I could tell them about [our church], but until then, who cared."

I kinda hope thats what we can do... just love people and maybe that will be the start of the reconciliation process.