Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Family Systems

Hopefully, our church will be a lot like a family in Denver. There are obvious reasons for that, most people really love their family, family know the truth about you, family are those people you can really count on. But what I am talking about this time is a little different.

When does a person become a family? When there is more than one committed right? So when Robin and I got married, we became a family, we were now a small family. When we have our first child, we will no longer be the same family. But we will also not be completely different. We will be the same people, but the family dynamic is not the same. That child will never know what it is like to be in a family of two, until the child gets married. Now imagine we have another child, that child becomes a part of a new, different family. The old family traits are still there, but by being born the family has changed, it has grown, but the dynamic will be different. The second child will not know what it is like to be the only child, and the older will have to adjust to accommodate the younger. Many times this leads to some resentment on the elder's side. Many times the middle child is constantly stuck in the land of its not fair, I know because I am one. This happens if the children don't adjust and change.

Now, how should a church be like that? I think, and this especially applies to us as we will be a small, young church, we have to adjust to new parts of our family. We have to no longer be the same church that we were before. Our character as a church should remain, our direction shouldn't change, but maybe we can adjust how we go about it. If you had a job, but someone comes on who can lighten your load some and is gifted and enjoys doing that particular job, maybe it will be time to move over and adjust the family. This is why Jesus told the disciples the parable of the workers in the vineyard. He knew that they would often resent the latecomers, and he knows that we might too. We have an obligation to help these people to be a part of our family. How can we do that in practical ways? What else do we need to do that is like a family?

What is going on with you guys? Give me some updates, let me know you are doing ok. We are looking forward, there are nights that I can't sleep because I'm so excited, and its still more than a year away. Please pray, and I continue to pray that God would provide us a meeting place, hopefully a free building, but it may be much less. Remember also to watch LOST tomorrow night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also envision our church being a family. I'm sure hoping it will be since I will be living farther away from my family than I ever have.

And speaking of family dynamic, I will warn you all now, I am the typical oldest child and can be very hard-headed about my way being right when usually it is not. But I know this and so it is something the Lord has been chipping away on for years and I pray that slowly but surely I am learning humility.

So my life right now...
Really good actually. I'm in a place where I just want to learn all I can from and about the Lord. The church that Erin and I go to has been great. The pastor is amazing and always brings a fresh perspective to what he is talking about and we have really been able to connect with the people in our life group. I still love my job and my kids crack me up more and more everyday... *short story - today while painting one of my kids whose name is william said that he was "william van gogh" lol* I make just enough money to pay bills and buy gas and groceries, but thats all I need. Our Bible story this week is about Jesus telling the people to look at the birds and the flowers and see how God provides for them and remember that God loves us more than that and will provide more than that and it has just been a great reminder to me that He provides and He is all I need.

Anyway, enough about me... I'm watching LOST this second and can I just say... last week when Hurley saw Jacob, I literally screamed. I'm so intrigued by all of this. See you all on the 23rd!